The Village of Morrice is located in southwestern Shiawassee County, Michigan. While mostly a rural community, it takes great pride in its strong sense of traditional and patriotic values.
Morrice offers more than what most would expect of such a small community. It has its own school system, post office, and police officers. Several businesses garnish the down town district, including a restaurant, hardware store, and other sought-after services. It is also home to the Morrice Community Senior Center, which provides a wide-range of services, including rental space for receptions, open houses, and group gatherings.
Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Thursday
(Closed Fridays)
Phone: (517) 625-4170
Village Hall
401 N. Main Street
PO Box 315
Morrice, MI 48857
Village Council Meeting:
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month at 6:00pm